73 Questions with Exec: Katie Calhoun, Junior Social Media Director

Going out to dinner, walking around, shopping, watching a movie, and most importantly, THE MAN HAS TO PAY
— Katie Calhoun
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  1. How are you feeling these days?

    Good! A little tired of my broken arm but looking forward to working out and getting ready faster once it is healed!

  2. What’s your favorite food?

    Pasta, without a doubt.

  3. What’s your guilty pleasure?

    Online shopping- no one can hold me back.

  4. What’s your favorite dessert?

    A warm skillet cookie with vanilla ice cream.

  5. Do you have a secret talent?

    I can do lots of tasks with my toes.

  6. How do you describe yourself in three words?

    Caring, creative, and bold.

  7. WFU Style in three words?

    Entertaining, diverse, top-notch.

  8. Heels or flats?


  9. What is the greatest fashion trend of all time?

    Yoga pants and butterfly clips.

  10. Must-have beauty product?

    Lancôme mascara primer.

  11. What is your go-to dance move?

    Some form of a body roll when I’m really feeling myself.

  12. What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Interior designer.

  13. What is your spirit animal?


  14. Where is your favorite place to vacation?

    The Carribean.

  15. How are you enjoying quarantine?

    I HATE it!

  16. What is your biggest fear?


  17. What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?

    Stop caring about what other people think and looking for popular people to like you!

  18. Where do you go when you need to be alone?

    My car or bed

  19. What do you find yourself doing a lot of these days?

    Waking up early, which is wack for me.

  20. What is your current obsession?

    Binge watching Greys Anatomy, online shopping, getting my nails done.

  21. What do you love most about your hometown?

    The variety of the shops, restaurants so close by.

  22. What do you love the most about Wake Forest?

    The campus is big, yet it still feels home-y.

  23. What is one thing you could never live without?

    My phone

  24. What is your favorite season?


  25. What is your biggest pet peeve?

    People interrupting me

  26. Who is the most fashionable woman that you know?

    My best friend from home, Avery.

  27. What is your favorite exercise?


  28. What is your current favorite song?

    “Heart of Glass” by Miley Cyrus

  29. What’s your favorite candy?

    Sour rainbow strips

  30. What is your first memory in life?

    Being in London, counting down the seconds with my sister until my mom came home from the grocery store.

  31. Who is your biggest role model?

    My boyfriend who is in the military.

  32. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

    It won’t matter soon enough.

  33. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

    Married with kids, doing part-time work in the south.

  34. What show have you recently binge-watched?

    Greys Anatomy!

  35. What fictional character would you love to spend the day with?

    Cristina Yang

  36. Which celebrity would you love to spend the day with?

    Khloe Kardashian

  37. What’s the last movie you watched?

    13 Hours

  38. What is your idea of the best first date?

    Going out to dinner, walking around, shopping, watching a movie, and most importantly, THE MAN HAS TO PAY

  39. What is the best gift you have ever received?

    My Hermes clic bracelet

  40. What is the silliest nickname ever given to you?


  41. When do you feel most beautiful?

    When I am tan with blown out hair and makeup done.

  42. What’s your favorite song to blast in the car?

    “Gimme Gimme,” Soundcloud Remix

  43. What would the title be if your life was a song?

    “Holy Rollercoaster”

  44. What was your first concert?

    Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana: Best of Both Worlds

  45. What is your favorite word of all time?


  46. What’s the thing you are most excited about in life right now?

    Hopefully, I can plan some vacations once my friends and I are fully vaccinated.

  47. If you could describe your style in three words what would it be?

    Basic, unique, and put-together

  48. What is your favorite beverage?

    Alcoholic? Mojito. Otherwise, I’ll just sip on water!

  49. What is your ideal birthday cake flavor?


  50. What is your favorite tv show of all time?

    Greys Anatomy (again)

  51. If you had a superpower what would it be?


  52. What’s the best compliment you have ever received?

    “I trust you more than anyone else.”

  53. What’s one habit you wish you could break?


  54. What makes you laugh no matter what?


  55. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

    Going to South Africa on a safari!

  56. What’s the best lyric you’ve ever heard?

    “You make loving you easy.”

  57. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but are too scared to?


  58. Ideal honeymoon vacation?

    Bora Bora

  59. If you could raid one woman’s closet, whose would it be?

    Kendall Jenner

  60. Must have purse item?

    Hand sanitizer and roller perfume

  61. What is your favorite city?

    LA or Honolulu

  62. What is your favorite flower?

    Roses or California Poppies

  63. If you had a podcast what would it be about?

    Girl drama, favorite items, and daily descriptions of my life

  64. Favorite dish to cook?

    Any pasta dish, fried rice, or chicken pot pie

  65. Favorite book?

    I don’t have one!

  66. Historical figure you would love to eat with?

    Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana

  67. Favorite time of day?

    Night time. I love dinner.

  68. Puppies or kittens?


  69. What is your favorite social media platform?

    TikTok at the moment

  70. Go-to karaoke song?

    “American Boy” by Estelle

  71. What country do you hope to visit?


  72. Best way to decompress?


  73. Where is your happy place?

    My dance studio


73 Questions with Exec: Olivia Fondie, Events Director


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