73 Questions with Exec: Lilly Reed, Vice President and Treasurer
How are you feeling these days?
Recently, I have had more drive than usual and am feeling more content in where I am.
What’s your favorite food?
I am a foodie, so it really depends on what I haven’t had in a while. My mom is also an amazing cook, so I love trying out all of her new recipes. I would say my favorite meal that she makes is a creamy risotto with roasted asparagus and filet mignon.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching movies or binge watching a new tv show. During winter break, I caught up on so much.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Dark Chocolate
Do you have a secret talent?
I am really good at directions (weird but a lot of people are not).
How do you describe yourself in three words?
Aspirational, genuine, kind
WFU Style in three words?
Community, trendy, empowering
Heels or flats?
Heels- I am so short.
What is the greatest fashion trend of all time?
You can never go wrong with a simple, black slip dress.
Must-have beauty product?
My Avene moisturizer
What is your go-to dance move?
Twirling around
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Hopefully an entrepreneur or working in the archives of a magazine like Vogue or maybe an art lawyer… indecisive at the moment.
What is your spirit animal?
Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Sayulita, Mexico
How are you enjoying quarantine?
I can see the light right now- about to be fully vaccinated.
What is your biggest fear?
Drowning or getting fired
What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?
Don't work yourself up about everything that seems to be going wrong- most of the time it is not a big deal.
Where do you go when you need to be alone?
Driving around in my car
What do you find yourself doing a lot of these days?
I have been reading a lot of fashion news, taking long walks, listening to podcasts, and watching old movies. It took me a while to realize that watching, listening, reading, etc. is crucial to education, but it is something you have to self-educate.
What is your current obsession?
Going through fall 2021 runway looks and trying to predict micro trends.
What do you love most about your hometown?
I am a local from Winston-Salem, and I love how developed it has become thus far.
What do you love the most about Wake Forest?
How different yet similar everyone is here and of course, the regular pit.
What is one thing you could never live without?
What is your favorite season?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Slow walkers
Who is the most fashionable woman that you know?
Liv Calhoun from Sifted Clothing
What is your favorite exercise?
I love megaformer at BodyMind Winston-Salem. I was a dancer growing up so I tend to love exercises such as pilates and yoga.
What is your current favorite song?
Anything by Maggie Rogers
What’s your favorite candy?
Sour Patch Kids
What is your first memory in life?
My birthday party when I was three.
Who is your biggest role model?
Definitely every female in my family. I can’t pick one because they all have different advice to give me.
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Save money and make sure you are taking care of yourself physically- sunscreen and exercise; Enjoy the simple pleasures of life like food; Try to travel as much as you can.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I will be 30- hopefully in a fun city working at a company I love or working on my own business. I hope I am happy and enjoying life.
What show have you recently binge-watched?
Firefly Lane and The Morning Show- both great.
What fictional character would you love to spend the day with?
Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Which celebrity would you love to spend the day with?
Sarah Jessica Parker
What’s the last movie you watched?
Lady Bird
What is your idea of the best first date?
Sushi and a movie
What is the best gift you have ever received?
Vintage clothing items from my grandmother
What is the silliest nickname ever given to you?
When do you feel most beautiful?
When I feel clean after taking a shower.
What’s your favorite song to blast in the car?
Anything by Kanye West, maybe “Saint Pablo.”
What would the title be if your life was a song?
Slow down and take a moment
What was your first concert?
Taylor Swift, Speak Now
What is your favorite word of all time?
What’s the thing you are most excited about in life right now?
If you could describe your style in three words what would it be?
Austin, TX meets New York City
What is your favorite beverage?
Sunshine, the original flavor
What is your ideal birthday cake flavor?
Red velvet
What is your favorite tv show of all time?
If you had a superpower what would it be?
To teleport
What’s the best compliment you have ever received?
Whenever someone loves my writing
What’s one habit you wish you could break?
What makes you laugh no matter what?
When people are sarcastic
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Jumped off of a two story dock into Lake Norman
What’s the best lyric you’ve ever heard?
“But don't you know that only fools are satisfied? Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true” (“Vienna” by Billy Joel)
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but are too scared to?
Getting a tattoo
Ideal honeymoon vacation?
If you could raid one woman’s closet, whose would it be?
Ty Haney
Must have purse item?
Soap and Glory SexyMotherPucker lip gloss in nudestar
What is your favorite city?
Toss up between London and Austin, TX
What is your favorite flower?
Stargazer lilies
If you had a podcast what would it be about?
Interviewing older, classy women about how their styles have evolved and share life advice.
Favorite dish to cook?
Pesto pasta
Favorite book?
The Great Gatsby
Historical figure you would love to eat with?
Jackie Kennedy
Favorite time of day?
Late afternoon
Puppies or kittens?
What is your favorite social media platform?
Go-to karaoke song?
“Dancing Queen”
What country do you hope to visit?
Best way to decompress?
Long walks
Where is your happy place?
People watching at a cafe in Paris