73 Questions with Exec: Katie Sprague, Photographer & Merch Designer

1. How are you feeling these days?

Pretty good, much more motivated than at the start of quarantine!

2. What’s your favorite food?

Roasted vegetables with garlic and olive oil.  

3. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Diet Mountain Dew, Baby, New York City.

4. What’s your favorite dessert?

Cookies and Cream NadaMoo! 

5. Do you have a secret talent?

I’m double jointed in my left thumb! 

6. How do you describe yourself in three words?

Empathetic, Creative, Inquisitive. 

7. WFU Style in three words?

Collaborative, Creative, Enlightening. 

8. Heels or flats?

I pretty much always wear at least a half an inch heel, so definitely heels. I’m a sucker for a chunky heeled chelsea.

9. What is the greatest fashion trend of all time?

High waisted clothing. 

10. Must-have beauty product? 

Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Night Pads. These have been a lifesaver for my skin, they keep me almost totally acne free! Be sure to wear a daily spf, especially when using a glycolic acid product! 

11. What is your go-to dance move?

Ha, don’t ask me, I have no moves. 

12. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Be happy. 

13. What is your spirit animal?


14. Where is your favorite place to vacation?

My favorite vacation has been Portugal so probably there, but I’ve only been there once. 

15. How are you enjoying quarantine?

I don’t think enjoying is the operative term, I’m doing alright though. 

16. What is your biggest fear?

Aliens. Lol.

17. What advice would you give your 13 year old self?

It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to not be okay. You are not alone. 

18. Where do you go when you need to be alone?

At Wake, I usually go for a walk to Reynolda Village and walk around a bit. At home, I hide out in my room or take a bath. 

19. What do you find yourself doing a lot of these days?

Cooking, cleaning, or working out. 

20. What is your current obsession?


21. What do you love most about your hometown?


22. What do you love the most about Wake Forest?

Having my friends within walking distance pretty much at all times. 

23. What is one thing you could never live without?

My people. 

24. What is your favorite season?


25. What is your biggest pet peeve?

When people share false information. 

26. Who is the most fashionable woman that you know?

My high school advisor. Fashionable and inspiring. 

27. What is your favorite exercise?

Weight lifting on my own or body pump! 

28. What is your current favorite song?

Six Feet Apart by Alec Benjamin. 

29. What’s your favorite candy?


30. What is your first memory in life?

I remember learning to write my name on the floor of my living room, I have no idea how old I was. 

31. Who is your biggest role model?

My parents, equally for a myriad of reasons. 

32. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

My grandfather always tells me, “be good”. I think it could apply to anything, be a good person, be a good friend, be a good daughter, sister, worker, etc. I think it’s good advice for everyone. 

33. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully in a happy relationship, doing what I love, and living by the ocean. 

34. What show have you recently binge watched?

Friends From College on Netflix. 

35. What fictional character would you love to spend the day with?

Ishmael (from Ishmael by Daniel Quinn). 

36. Which celebrity would you love to spend the day with?

Chrissy Teigen. 

37. What’s the last movie you watched?

Closed Curtain. 

38. What is your idea of the best first date?

I had a first date in Venice with pizza and Italian wine and I’m afraid no first date will ever beat that.  

39. What is the best gift you have ever received?

My first camera. It definitely changed my life. 

40. What is the silliest nickname ever given to you?

Katie Shakie Wakie Bakie. There were probably other “ie’s” but I don’t remember now. 

41. When do you feel most beautiful?

Whenever I’m truly happy. 

42. What’s your favorite song to blast in the car?

Jordan Belfort. 

43. What would the title be if your life was a song?

Tumultuous Existence. It’d be something indie.

44. What was your first concert?

I went to Taylor Swift’s “Red” tour in 2012! 

45. What is your favorite word of all time?


46. What’s the thing you are most excited for in life right now?

To hug my grandfather again. I haven’t been able to see him since around Christmas and he’s 92 so he’s at more risk during the pandemic. We talk on the phone every other day but it’s not the same as seeing someone in person. 

47. If you could describe your style in three words what would it be?

Classic, simple, subdued. 

48. What is your favorite beverage?

Iced cold brew with coconut milk. 

49. What is your ideal birthday cake flavor?

I always liked marble as a kid but I’m not a big dessert person. Queue Jessica Day saying “I find it fundamentally strange that you’re not a dessert person.” 

50. What is your favorite tv show of all time?

New Girl, aka the question above. 

51. If you had a super power what would it be?

I’d love to be able to teleport. 

52. What’s the best compliment you have ever received?

“You look healthy” is my favorite compliment to hear. 

53. What’s one habit you wish you could break?

Watching so many TikToks. No shame. 

54. What makes you laugh no matter what?

Impossible Jokers, guilty pleasure show for sure. 

55. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

I went to Quebec for 23 hours with three of my best girlfriends once, which was one of the best days of my life. 

56. What’s the best lyric you’ve ever heard?

Basically the whole storyline in “If I Killed Someone For You” by Alec Benjamin, but specifically the end; 

“You have to understand that the one I killed is me / Changing what I was for what you wanted me to be / I followed your direction, did everything you asked / I hope it makes you happy, 'cause there's just no turning back”

57. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but are too scared to?

Super hot hot sauce. 

58. Ideal honeymoon vacation?

Somewhere beachy and tropical. 

59. If you could raid one woman’s closet, whose would it be?

Lorna Luxe. 

60. Must-have purse item?

A little perfume. 

61. What is your favorite city? 

Boston or London. 

62. What is your favorite flower?


63. If you had a podcast what would it be about?

Photography or nutrition, probably. 

64. Favorite dish to cook?

I LOVE to cook so this is tough, but my go to is a vegan stir fry with whatever veggies I have on hand, basmati rice, and tempeh. 

65. Favorite book? 

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. 

66. Historical figure you would love to eat with?

Marie Curie. 

67. Favorite time of day?

Golden hour into sunset. 

68. Puppies or kittens?


69. What is your favorite social media platform?


70. Go-to karaoke song?

Come on Eileen. 

71. What country do you hope to visit? 

New Zealand. 

72. Best way to decompress?

Epsom. Salt. Bath. 

73. Where is your happy place?

Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 

Instagram: @karrotkatMeet our incredible Photographer and Merch designer Katie! Read on :)

Instagram: @karrotkat

Meet our incredible Photographer and Merch designer Katie! Read on :)

My grandfather always tells me, “be good”. I think it could apply to anything, be a good person, be a good friend, be a good daughter, sister, worker, etc. I think it’s good advice for everyone.
— Katie Sprague

Styling My Mom's 90s Wardrobe