Rebrand Announcement
By WFU Style Exec
2023 marked the ten year anniversary of the WFU Style club being founded on campus.
The founders, Meagan O’Sullivan and Desiree Sanchez, created this club with the purpose of being a credible source of fashion, art, and culture both on and off campus.
Check out the blog here:
WFU Style can be summarized by this tagline from the website: “We’ll tell you who to wear, what to eat, and where to go.”
The members of WFU style have decided it is high time that the club evolves and adapts to reflect today’s society.
WFU Style will relaunch early fall 2023. The club will be rebranded including a new name.
Our rebrand is focused on sustainability, education, and diversity. We want to introduce new fashion concepts to the students of Wake Forest.
Expect the face of WFU Style to change as you know it. Stay tuned to watch the blog grow!
Rebrand Pinterest inspiration
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